Case Report – Samantha (Neuropathic Pain)

We are pleased to report on the remarkable progress of one of our patients, whom we will refer to as Samantha, following her treatment with peripheral magnetic stimulation. Samantha has been struggling with persistent and debilitating pain in the soles of her feet, characterised by a burning sensation, since 2022. This condition had progressively worsened over time, significantly impacting her quality of life and restricting her ability to walk.

Samantha’s medical history is notably complex. She has bravely battled multiple forms of cancer, including ovarian and breast cancer, and has undergone a bowel resection operation. Her cancer has been successfully treated with chemotherapy. Given this background, it is understandable that her body has endured considerable stress and trauma, both from the diseases and their treatments.

Her symptoms of burning pain in the feet led us to consider the possibility of chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain. Recent blood tests revealed normal results across all parameters. During physical examination, Samantha exhibited mild Raynaud’s features in her hands, likely influenced by her family history, as her mother suffers from severe Raynaud’s disease. However, her feet showed no tenderness between the metatarsals or at any other joints, which reinforced our suspicion of neuropathic pain.

To address her neuropathic pain, we initiated a course of peripheral magnetic stimulation under the care of our osteopath, Elliot Nation. Peripheral magnetic stimulation (also known as MST) is a non-invasive treatment that uses electromagnetic fields to stimulate nerves and improve their connection to the brain, helping to reduce pain.

Samantha underwent five sessions of peripheral magnetic stimulation. During these sessions, the magnetic fields were carefully targeted to the affected areas on the soles of her feet. Each session was designed to optimise nerve function and alleviate the burning sensation that had plagued her for so long.

The results of this treatment have been nothing short of extraordinary. After completing the five sessions, Samantha reported a dramatic reduction in her pain levels. On a pain scale of 0 to 10, where 10 represents the most severe pain, she noted an improvement of approximately 90%. This substantial reduction has significantly enhanced her daily comfort and overall well-being, allowing her to go for long walks again.

Samantha’s case exemplifies the potential benefits of peripheral magnetic stimulation for neuropathic pain, particularly in patients with a history of chemotherapy. Her positive response to the treatment highlights the importance of considering innovative and non-invasive options for pain management, especially when traditional methods have limited efficacy.

We will continue to monitor Samantha’s progress through follow-up consultations. Additionally, we have undertaken further investigations, including checks of her vitamin B12 and folic acid levels to ensure comprehensive care.

In conclusion, Samantha’s significant improvement following peripheral magnetic stimulation is a testament to the effectiveness of this therapy in managing neuropathic pain. Her journey underscores the resilience of patients who endure complex medical histories and the importance of tailored, innovative treatment approaches in achieving substantial pain relief and improved quality of life.